IT Support Services McDonough
McDonough is one of the cities in Henry County, Georgia. It is a suburb of the metropolitan area of Atlanta. The town was named for Commodore Thomas Macdonough, a naval officer and was founded and built around a traditional town square design in 1823. On the northside of the Welcome Center in a historically preserved Standard Oil service station built in 1920 are the county courthouse and the former prison complex. The oil station houses the office of the Main Street Program and the office of Hospitality and Tourism. In the middle of the square is Henry County’s monument of the Confederate dead. A block east of the square is the town’s original cotton warehouse that was replaced with the Henry County Judicial Center. The city used to be the relay station on the New York to New Orleans stagecoach line and was connected to Fayetteville and Decatur through other stage lines and to Macon via Jackson until a washout during a thunderstorm on June 24, 1900, that caused the wreckage of the train about 1.5 miles north of town. Several individual structures, including the downtown McDonough Historic District, and two historic districts in the city are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
All businesses need good IT support and some industries need special kinds of support. Industries such as healthcare, legal, and accounting practices. Iron Comet offers HIPAA compliance services to the medical practices of all sizes. We also provide PCI-DSS compliance for businesses that accept credit cards. We provide IT support services McDonough to businesses of all types. Iron Comet has been in business now over 20 years and has the experience and expertise to offer tailored solutions to your company’s specific needs. Every company is different so your IT solutions need to be different as well. It is not a one size fits all situation.
Are you a medical practice or business that needs quality, reliable, and fast IT Support Services McDonough? Are you happy with your current IT provider’s service? When was the last time you performed a network or risk assessment to identify your needs or vulnerabilities? Our job is to take care of your IT so you don’t have to. That way, you can do what you do best, take care of your patients or customers.